1. But if no one can be trusted to act in a loyal and responsible manner towards his job, then the business will require armies of administrators, checkers, and foremen, and administrative overheads will rise correspondingly.

2. But most of the physical differences between originals and copies are so minor that detection of them would require a sophisticated laboratory.

3. Before we go any further, it might make sense to require a temporary pause on research into human cloning in order to make a systematic enquiry into the grave questions it raises.

4. This project will require less money.

5. The film would require some major structural changes.

6. This is not easy, and may require two porpoises working together.

7. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others.

8. Although pills for tension, heart conditions, weight and other life-threatening conditions are prescribed by Western doctors, most now require patients to develop healthy lifestyles by changing diets and exercising more to keep well.

9. "While attendance is very strong," he said, "our cost levels do require adjustment for the current revenue level."

10. Some business disputes can be settled out of court; others require litigation.