1. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations and responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness, that hollow goal of the modern age. 婚姻和家庭意味着互相关爱的长期义务与责任,而不仅仅是寻求幸福,这一摩登时代的空洞目标。
2. Women, she believes, should take responsibility for the natural balance of their body chemistry. 她认为女性有必要保持体内自然的化学平衡。
3. The couple's life together was very ordinary. Peculiarly, neither ever asked "Whose job is this?" or asserted "That is not my responsibility!" Both acted to fill their needs as time and opportunity allowed. 夫妻俩的生活很平常。但很特别的一点是,他们俩都从来不问“这活该谁干?”也不说“这不是我的责任!”只要有时间、有机会,两人都会主动去帮助对方。
4. There is a commitment and sense of responsibility which have not yet been discarded in this age of machines. 这里面有承诺和责任感,在这个机器时代里,它们仍然没有被抛弃。
5. This responsibility does not include my doing for you what you are capable of doing for yourself; nor does it mean that I run your life for you. 这种负责并非替他做他可以自己做到的事,也不是操纵他的生活。
6. To see the direction in which the British police are heading, consider the experience of the Northumbria police who have responsibility for law and order in 5,000 square kilometers of Northeast England. 为了了解英国警方面临的局面,可以看一下诺森布里亚郡警局的情况。该局负责英格兰东北部5,000平方公里区域内的治安。
7. No one wanted to take the responsibility for permitting an operation, yet no one would give permission to stop feeding the patient entirely. 没有人愿意承担允许施行手术的责任,然而也没有人愿意允许完全停止给病人进食。
8. He is inefficient, and furthermore he has no sense of responsibility. 他办事效率很低, 而且没有丝毫责任感。
9. He is inefficient, and furthermore he has no sense of responsibility. 他办事效率很低, 而且没有丝毫责任感。