1. The robber tied the old lady to a pillar. 强盗把老太太捆在柱子上。
2. The robber took away her purse with two thousand five hundred N T, some keys and a handbook inside. 强盗夺去她的包,里面有两千五百元台币,一些钥匙和一本银行存折.
3. 6. What is the writer's level of comfort with killing a robber in self-defense? 于是我以生命做赌注,希望他拿了我的钱以后离开。但愿我能赢。
4. 2. Why did the robber get a bit of an anxiety attack now? 我们把手放了下来,可我仍站在原地没有动。接着一个银行职员按下了柜台后面的按钮,银行前面的保险门便自动合上,把我们锁在了里面。我们就原地不动,直到三、四分钟以后警察赶到。
5. 4. Why is it that the writer's imagined robber is always a man or especially a black man? 我很生气,因为我受到了威胁,因为有人为了得到我口袋里的钱而危及着我的生命。