1. We had money to cover small purchases, and, apart from wearing down-scale clothing, we did nothing in any of these settings to draw attention to ourselves; we merely shopped quietly in our accustomed manner.

2. They are preparing for war on a large scale.

3. Things can go wrong on a big scale, as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney.

4. And then on to the upper-scale stores and coffee shops during the lunch hour.

5. Announced Thursday that it would sustain a net financial loss of unpredictable scale in its first financial year.

6. A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly?) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7.

7. Soon the errors will have multiplied to the ten-foot scale, and so on up to the size of the globe.

8. James Cameron of the London News Chronicle, who was in China in 1954, reported even then the pace of building was unbelievable; how four new hospitals, six factories, and eleven full-scale blocks, had been laid out, started and completed in a matter

9. Green and white taxis are a step down the scale, but still have meters.

10. In one English class, the 11 students spend the last five minutes in an energetic exchange evaluating their class performance for the day on a 1-10 scale.