1. The scout was searching through the woods. 侦察员正在树林中搜索。
2. "If they're doing really badly in a subject, that makes kids want to cheat so they can get a better grade," says first Class Scout Ben Patrick, 11, from Troop 69, Palatine, Illinois. "孩子们如果某一门功课学得实在太差,他们就会想作弊,这样他们就能得个好一点的分数。"本·帕特里克说。本,11岁,来自伊利诺伊州的帕拉蒂尼,是第69中队的一名一等童子军。
3. Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout. 只有纪律良好的童子军露营活动才能保持那永恒的童子军心目中的如此宝贵的优游自在。
4. Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout. 只有优良的童子军活动才能保持不朽的童子军所衷心热爱的各项自由。