1. But here we come up against the most difficult of all obstacles to contact with people on other planets----the astronomical distances which separate us.

2. The boxers clinched and the referee had to separate them.
    拳击手扭抱在一起, 裁判让他们分开.

3. The children sleep in separate beds.

4. The subway is so jammed that police erect barricades so that women can ride in cars separate from men.

5. The dragon curled around the vase, connecting the separate vines.

6. Stalin proposed that Roosevelt move into a separate building in the heavily guarded Soviet Compound, where the meetings could be held in safety.

7. Oceania is a separate landmass, but it is separated from Asia by very shallow water.
    大洋洲是一块单独的陆地, 但它与亚洲之间只隔着很浅的水域.

8. If I love you, I can see you as a separate person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings,

9. For more than half an hour 38 respectable Brooklyn, New York citizens watched a man attack and stab (刺杀) a woman three separate times.