1. But after independence, leaders jealous to protect their power shut them out of politics,

2. He held that a man of learning, if he does not wish to degrade himself, must never cease to participate in public affairs — he must not shut himself up in his study or laboratory and shun the social and political struggles of the day.

3. A book that remains shut is but a block.

4. She came into the room and shut the door.
    她进到屋子里来, 然后关上了门.

5. Shut the door, please.

6. Yet following her regular practice she had shut them before going out.

7. Grandma was lying flat with her eyes shut, but she opened them when I leaned over to kiss her.

8. "Shut up, Sam," someone said very sharply.

9. Let´s shut the window because I can feel a draught.

10. I can´t shut the suitcase lid when it´s so full.
    衣箱装得很满, 我盖不上盖子了.