1. Wood does not sink in water, it floats.
    木头在水中不沉, 而是漂在水面.

2. We helped the villager to sink a well.

3. Water cannot sink through these hard surfaces.

4. Take the plug out of the sink and let the water out.

5. They carry all of the water away. Not much water can sink into the holding areas under the ground.
    它们会把所有的水都排走, 能够渗透到地下蓄水区的水就不多了。

6. During the journey, their boat began to sink.

7. As usual, she didn't know what to have for breakfast, so she grabbed a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while standing by the sink. Just then, her mother, Jane, entered the kitchen.

8. Rainwater cannot sink into the ground because of the buildings, roads, and parking lots.
    由于建筑物、道路和停车场, 雨水无法渗入地下。

9. In a marsh, the surface water can sink slowly down through the soil into the rock below.
    在沼泽地里, 地表水会通过土壤慢慢地渗透到下面的岩层里。

10. It might sink slowly through the soil into the natural holding areas in the rock.