1. The children like to roll down the small slope in the park.

2. The slope is very steep.

3. The slope is steepening.

4. The climber traversed a long hotizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope .

5. The real dividing line between continents and oceans occurs at the foot of a steeper slope.

6. This continental slope usually starts at a place somewhere near the 100-fathom mark and in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean floor at 2,500-3,500 fathoms.

7. The slope averages about 1 in 30,

8. She left her brother behind, and dashed down the slope of the hill toward the flames.

9. Later, when night fell, Kaz and her brother made for the mountains; a friend from Kaz's factory lived in a village on the slope of a hill behind the city and had offered to take them in.
    接着,夜幕降临了,和子和她弟弟往山里走;和子厂里的一个朋友住在市区后面一个小山坡上的村子里, 表示愿意收留他们。

10. From the shore line, out to a distance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles, runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents.