1. Because of these uncertainties, private investigators have sought more fantastic explanations.

2. We sought long and hard but found no answer.

3. Workaholism is a problem that has been evident since the Stone Age whenever people have sought to escape other parts of their lives through work.

4. How she longed to please, to be envied and sought after!

5. He sought the advice of the astronomer Sosigenes, who suggested that the true length of the year be adopted as 365 1/4 days.

6. After the meeting I identified and sought out Larry's kindergarten teacher.

7. Yet a great many processes depending on such research are sought for with complete secrecy until the stage at which patents can be taken out.

8. Because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before.
    因为顶峰特别是前人未曾到过的顶峰 -- 才是他们寻求的目标。

9. In Bathurst I sought the assistance of the Gambian government.

10. For decades, the government sought to colonize and develop the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disaster to the area and its people.