1. The company holds its people to strict observance of that code.

2. They were married in strict privacy.

3. The police kept the criminal under strict surveillance.

4. He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.

5. Should parents be strict or permissive?

6. Sandy explained her parents didn't like her makeup or her music and were getting very strict.

7. If they refuse a request, they immediately feel a wave of regret for having been so strict or ungenerous.

8. In response, Canada has closed the area to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species.

9. If I'm too strict, she'll rebel . I often worry she may rebel and go too far .

10. Father was an austere man, very strict with his children.
    父亲是个严厉的人, 对子女十分严格。