1. What stuff is this jacket made of?

2. There is no message to them either. I can't believe Sandy really likes that stuff."

3. Now we´ll have this bloody debt dragging on us for years, and before the damn stuff is paid for it´ll be worn out."

4. How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating.

5. Doing so requires both the knowledge and the self-discipline to use less energy and do more with less stuff.

6. And he proceeded to pour a riverful of the salty black stuff on the china plate, right before my mother's shocked eyes.
    接着他就当着我母亲吃惊的眼光,把 "一河浜" 这种咸乎乎、黑溜溜的东西倒到了瓷盆里。

7. "Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff? It's the same thing over and over. I'm not sure it is really music though it does have rhythm.

8. As Daniel Goleman suggests in his new book, Emotional Intelligence, the latest scientific findings seem to indicate that intelligent but inflexible people don't have the right stuff in an age when the adaptive ability is the key to survival.

9. She adds, "As the world gets more complicated, it's nice to have old-fashioned stuff around to help people cope with the demands of modern life.

10. It's weird. It is definitely horrible stuff."