1. Experts also suggest the following:

2. The following techniques suggest concrete ways of increasing creativity:

3. Nor, I would venture to suggest, is love enough to sustain a marriage relationship.

4. He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered.

5. Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggest that regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information.

6. ´I suggest,´ said the inspector,´ that you are not telling the truth.

7. Ask how they prepare for tests and suggest studying in a group. You might get some ideas from them.

8. Still,I suggest you not eat there any more.Tiredness lowers your resistance.
    我还是要建议你不要在再在那里吃了, 疲劳会降低你的抵抗力.

9. Some scientists and popular authors go so far as to suggest that the triangle is a place where beings from outer space hunt human specimens for their "zoos".

10. I eat only kosher food prepared by my maid. For health´s sake,I suggest you never eat in the night market.
    我只是吃女佣烹调和干净的食物, 为了健康的缘故,我建议你永远不要在夜市吃.