1. Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life. 即使他也仍存有幻觉,好像乡村生活就是比城市生活优越。
2. Because females do not have this tendency (this brain division is known to be influenced by male sex chemicals), girls who perform well in mathematics are doing so because they are superior in their overall mental development. 因为女性不具备这种趋势(人脑的这种分工已知是男性激素影响的结果),数学好的女孩是因为她们的整体智力发育很好。
3. While we differ in many ways, such differences are neither superior nor inferior to each other. 尽管我们在许多方面存在差异,但这些差异并无优劣之分。
4. The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry. 骑兵的机动性远优于步兵。
5. This candidate is clearly superior. 这个候选人显然比别的候选人强.
6. There is no superior ´they´ in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days. 但在露营地里根本不会有管人的"人上人"和酒店里的等级制度来种露营者的假日过得阴郁低沉。
7. The company said that 3.6 million people had visited the park from April 12 to July 22, a performance superior to that of comparable start-up periods at other Disney theme parks. 公司说从4月12日至6月22日期间,有360万游客入园,这比其他迪斯尼主题公园开放初期的情况要强。
8. Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer, argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, 美国一位重要的射电天文学家罗纳德.布雷斯韦尔教授在《自然》杂志上提出了这样的观点: