1. We each threw two darts at the target.

2. The heavier the arrow, the greater its penetration into the target.
    箭越重, 射入靶子越深。

3. The heavier the arrow, the greater its penetration into the target.
    箭越重, 射入靶子越深。

4. They set a target for production.

5. The journalists also get a chance to shoot a gun on the practice range; none of it seems that difficult, and we put most of the bullets somewhere on the target.

6. And security: how to make such a big target attack-proof.

7. At the second meeting, they set a target for improvement.

8. She hit the target. Americans are quite religious (the majority being Christian) and have a special place in their hearts for pets.
    她达到了目的。美国人笃信宗教(绝大多数美国人都是基督教徒), 而且宠物在他们心里占有特殊的地位。

9. Companies develop databases to better target customers and then the government uses these databases for investigating crimes."

10. Our target area was 250 miles to the north.