1. We had formed close ties with the villagers. 我们和村子里的人建立了亲密的感情。
2. They spiked the rails to the ties. 他们把铁轨钉到枕木上。
3. There is a natural tendency for any relationship based on voluntary affection to come apart, but marriage provides the glue needed to keep a couple together by providing ties of family, in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children. 任何建立在自发爱恋基础上的关系都会趋于自然终止,但婚姻建立起家庭纽带,以及父母与子女间的责任义务,这就提供了将夫妇联结在一起的粘合剂。
4. ´I find it beautiful,´ I said. ´A man can never have too many ties.´ "我觉得它好看,"我说,"男人有多少领带也不会嫌多。"她回答。
5. Children, relatives, and the ties of mutual obligation and care are left behind, with no place to go. 而将孩子、亲属、相互间的责任和关爱统统置于脑后,全然不顾。