1. But its most popular attraction is the tall tower where I lined up.

2. With my blood pressure going crazy but my pride intact, I exited the tower, only slightly shaken after a thrilling encounter with the Japanese concept of leisure.

3. The tower leaned a little to the right.

4. The church has a tall tower.

5. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft.

6. To get out, I would have to climb back down the narrow ladder from the tower and walk past the long row of "salarymen"(薪水阶层)and "office ladies" lined up behind me at an amusement park (游乐园) named Tokyo Roof(东京屋顶).

7. Taking directions from my "coach", who was standing at the bottom of the tower, I tightened my helmet, closed my eyes and leaped into the air.

8. There was a bar hanging from the top of the tower, and I seized it for balance.

9. He was the man who climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped various weights from the top,

10. And find some grace and pleasure in our condition, not like a self-centered British poet but like a patient princess sealed up in a tower, waiting for the happy ending to our fairy tale.