1. The Russian dinner that evening was an unbelievable quantity of food. 那天晚上苏联的晚餐有着惊人丰盛的食物。
2. James Cameron of the London News Chronicle, who was in China in 1954, reported even then the pace of building was unbelievable; how four new hospitals, six factories, and eleven full-scale blocks, had been laid out, started and completed in a matter 一九五四年访问中国的伦敦《新闻纪事报》记者詹姆斯·卡麦隆报导说,当时建设速度之快是难以令人置信的:四家医院,六座工厂和十一个完整的街区仅在数周之内就设计、建造并完工了。