1. Encouraging such behavior depends on understanding the different ways AIDS is spread around the world.

2. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.

3. We were equally annoyed that all of what we heard was so superficial, and based on such a shallow understanding of today's true environmental problems.

4. The next important advance in understanding malaria came in the 17th century, when many newly discovered plants in the New World were sent back to Europe to be used as medicines.

5. This acquisition of understanding alleviates much of the stress.

6. The phrase "emotional intelligence" was coined by researchers five years ago to describe qualities like understanding one's own feelings, sympathy for the feelings of others and "the regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living&

7. And we are better for our understanding of these other contributions — be they scientific or artistic.

8. And beyond that, you've gained something — a little more knowledge and a lot more understanding.
    你已经理解到了你原本讨厌的按部就班的生活的价值, 理解到了你原本视为理所当然的职业的重要性,

9. You must reach an understanding with him.

10. Reading about them increases our understanding without dispelling our fears.