1. But when I went into his room, a carton of cigarettes in my hand, I discovered the "head waiter" in the uniform of a Major General. 但是当我手里拿着一盒香烟走进他房间时,我发现那位“侍者领班”穿上了少将的制服。
2. The earth turns round at a uniform rate. 地球以不变的速度旋转。
3. The medicine he had been given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in Marine Corps uniform standing outside the oxygen tent. 老人所服用的医治心脏病的药物损害了他的视力。所以他只能模模糊糊看见一个年轻人,身穿海军陆战队军服,站在氧气帐外。
4. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. 现在他身穿蓝军装,肩扛步枪,在军营门前大胆地来回走看。
5. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform. 他笨重的身体紧裹在黄蓝相间的制服里。
6. I´ve always thought he looked very manly in his uniform. 我一向认为他穿著制服很威武.