1. But cameras connected to video recorders had captured the action on tape.

2. Broadly speaking, however, the superhighway refers to the union of today's broadcasting, cable, video, telephone, and computer and semiconductor industries into one large all-connected industry.

3. Do you know where I can buy a video machine at a low price?

4. Don't worry. Just sign up for the language course offered by a school in another district or city, have the latest edition of the course teaching materials sent to your computer, and attend by video.

5. Are you too tired to go to the video store but you want to see the movie Beauty and the Beast at home?

6. "Sending a segment of video mail down the hall or across the country will be easier than typing out a message on a keyboard," predicts one correspondent who specializes in technology.

7. As one writer points out, "your video renting habits are better protected by law than your medical records."

8. Paintings and video scenes of oceans and forests would compensate for the lack of windows.

9. Meighan suggests children will be taught at home using the Internet, computers, and video(录像片).

10. Controlling this precision machine and its many weapons is like playing a million-dollar video game that has dozens of buttons.