1. Earthquake survival supplies include a radio receiver, a torch, extra batteries, first-aid supplies, a spade, a tent, some rope, and warm clothing.

2. Beneath his gruff exterior he´s really very kind-hearted.
    他外表粗鲁, 心地却十分善良.

3. Below are some predictions made by Richard N. Farmer, who gave his light-hearted opinion of the "World of 2084."
    下面是理查德 N·法默所作的一些预测,他以轻松愉快的心情为 “2084年的世界” 描绘了一幅充满妙趣的图画。

4. Bad luck is no stranger to this warm and thoughtful 37-year-old man.

5. We went south to enjoy the amenity of a warm climate.

6. Why, if little Hans comes here, and sees our warm fire, and our good supper, and our red wine, he will envy us, and envy is a terrible thing.
    哎,如果小汉斯到咱家来,看到咱们温暖的火炉,丰盛的晚餐,还 有红酒,他会嫉妒我们的。而嫉妒却是一件令人可怕的事。

7. The benign old lady sent us a kind and warm smile.

8. They need warm clothing for the winter.

9. Their sleeping- bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.

10. There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights.