2. The peasants were reaping wheat with the help of a group of students. 农民们正在一群学生的帮助下收割小麦。
3. The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze . 麦田在微风中起伏。
4. He had worked at a mill in the old country, but, finding the wheat business too much of a grind, began selling pots and pans off his back. 在自己国家,他曾在面粉厂干过活,但感觉这种磨面粉的营生真是种折磨人的苦活,就开始背着坛坛罐罐到处兜售。
5. Is growing wheat here as difficult as growing rice? 这里种小麦和种稻子一样困难吗?
6. Flour is a powder made from wheat. 面粉是小麦做的粉。
7. Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand. 农民过去用手打麦脱粒。