1. The obedient dog came at his master´s whistle. 这驯服的狗一听到主人的哨音就过来。
2. The referee blew his whistle. 裁判吹响了哨子.
3. Just then there was the sharp whistle of a bullet which passed near the boy. 就在这时, 一颗子弹在男孩身边尖声呼啸而过.
4. Upon leaving Paris, trains will whistle along at an approximate speed of 186 miles per hour until they go underground, but will creep along as slow as 50 miles per hour behind local trains the last 68 miles to London. 火车离开巴黎,呼啸着以大约186英里的时速驶入地下,行至距伦敦68英里处的时候,却只能跟在当地的火车后面,以每小时50英里的速度慢慢爬行。
5. I heard a blast of the whistle in the distance. 我听到远处一阵口哨声。