1. Useless, powerless, complaining, sick, weak, conservative, rigid, helpless, unproductive, wrinkled, ugly, unattractive, and on and on. 无用,无能,爱抱怨,多病,体弱,保守,僵化,无助,成不了事,满脸皱纹,丑陋不堪,魅力无存,等等,等等。
2. My friend wore a faded cotton shirt over a T-shirt and a wrinkled skirt over sweat pants. 我的朋友在短袖圆领汗衫上外面套了一件褪了色的全棉衬衣,还在宽松的长运动裤外面套了一条起皱的裙子。
3. Let's see more mature, wrinkled women in attractive, successful, happy roles and let's see men fighting to be with them. 让我们期待更多成熟的有皱纹的妇女成为有魅力、成功的、幸福的角色,也让我们期待男士们纷纷争先恐后与她们为伍。