1. This present rise in home schooling is blamed on the nature of examinations, not getting children into the school of choice, and dissatisfaction with teaching methods.

2. They believe schools will be things of the past in 20 years as media technology, like the Internet, teaches children.

3. They also play a vital role in helping parents understand the types of peer pressure their children experience.

4. The "examination hell (地狱)" imposed on children is widely criticized in Japan.

5. Their children were the center of their life.

6. The one possible exception is bearing children.

7. The effort to shield assets to be passed on to children and grandchildren is making prenups more common among retired people in their 60s and 70s who are remarrying after a spouse has died.

8. They took offense to my statement that a family consists of a husband, a wife and children, they said.

9. There is a natural tendency for any relationship based on voluntary affection to come apart, but marriage provides the glue needed to keep a couple together by providing ties of family, in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children.

10. The trouble is, such an elastic classification ignores the problem of children and the wider problem of caring for others.