1. The day of the ball arrived.

2. To get his new calendar started in line with the seasons, Caesar moved New Year´s Day from March 1 to January 1, and so January became the first month of the year.

3. This gave five 31-day months and seven 30-day months.

4. The Romans thought that odd numbers were lucky and they took a day from a 30-day month — from February — to get an extra 31-day month.

5. There were now seven 31-day months in a year, but February was left with 28 days except in leap years.

6. The error amounts to about one day in 3000 years.

7. The next day, November 29, Roosevelt seemed alert as ever.

8. They remember to this day the sea-fights in a large basin of water with fleets of paper boats, which he made for them and which he would then set on fire to their great joy.

9. That morning, the morning of my first day, the morning that followed my first night, was a sunny morning.

10. The day my son Larry started kindergarten (幼儿园) he gave up trousers with bibs (围嘴) and began wearing blue jeans with a belt.