1. And Edward R. Murrow went on the air, saying in his deep, steady voice, "This is London."

2. At first, the water felt cold. It helped her wake up.

3. Ask yourself this question: Are you going to interrupt someone who appears to be deep in thought?

4. An official examined my head. In haste, I pushed him away, and everyone else who approached me. "Don't touch me!" I felt like screaming. "Get away from me!"

5. At first, I was scared, but Ron made me do it six times. With each repetition, I felt more confident.

6. "I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband.

7. At the end of the course, I still felt like a beginner, so I studied the scientific reasons why tarot cards work.

8. Also, to prevent property damage, architects now design buildings so that the building's columns and horizontal beams are of equal strength, and vertical support columns are inserted deep into solid soil.

9. As he felt the smooth, curving sharpness of the metal tips, the girl stood quite still, gazing up into his face with an expression of wonder.

10. At first that felt like praise. Then I became a bit uneasy.