1. Mr Ford: How are you today?

2. MISS DIETRICH: You won´t need your speech today, Nancy.
    迪特里希小姐 南茜,今天不需要你发言了。

3. Many operations which today are quite straightforward and from which patients recover quickly, such as removing an appendix, would never have been attempted at all, and the victim would probably have died without anyone really knowing why.

4. Many shopping centers stand on dry land today, land that was once wet and full of marshes.

5. Jone and I had lunch together today. We went to a resturant.
    今天我和约翰一起吃的午饭. 我们去饭馆吃的.

6. But the scientific dust has long since settled, and today we can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective.

7. But today, they are going to school on foot.

8. "Hey, Sam, where´s old Maggie today?"

9. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today — and getting scarcer.

10. One view of marriage that surprises most of us today was held by John Noyes, a religious man who started the Oneida Community in the state of New York in 1831.