1. Once on the edge of the educational system, such schools, or jukus, are now so common in Japan that, especially for those people at the top level of society, they have begun to function as a kind of shadow educational system, replacing regular school 这些专门对付考试的课外学校(日语中称为juku),曾是教育体制的次要成分,如今却在日本非常普及,尤其对上层社会的人群而言,它们已经开始成了一种影子教育体制,在家长和学生、乃至两三岁的孩童心目中,它们的重要性已经取代了正规学校。
2. Light shoes will not protect your feet as well as heavy shoes will. 轻便的鞋子不能像厚重的鞋子那样保护好你的双脚。
3. I need your assistance with this heavy load. 我需要你帮我挑起这个重担。
4. Is that bag heavy, Mary? 玛丽, 那袋子重吗?
5. It was so heavy that a crane had to be used to remove it from the lorry. 这块饼干重到非用吊车把它从卡车上吊起不可。
6. In August, she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away. 8月份"卡蒂萨克"号遭到一场特大风暴的袭击,失去了一只舵。
7. It was so heavy that a crane had to be used to remove it from the lorry. 饼干份量太重了,用了一台起重机才把它从卡车上卸下。
8. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. 按照要求在车辆拥挤的路上驾驶,我圆满地完成了。
9. Is that bag heavy, Penny? 那个提包重吗,彭妮?
10. It spins like a top with a stick poked through from top to bottom. 它转动起来好似从上到下插过一根棍子的陀螺。