1. The Red Cross did much work for prisoners-of-war during the two world wars.

2. Today the work goes on, for at any moment disaster may strike somewhere, and the Red Cross must be ready to journey to the ends of the earth, if necessary, and bring relief.

3. The eagerness of my fancy prevailed and to work I went.

4. This was a great lesson to me, and now I saw, though too late, the folly of beginning a work before we count the cost, and before we judge rightly of our own strength to go through with it.

5. Tom´s mouth watered for the apple, but he stuck to his work.

6. They are sometimes pushed into their habit by their work beliefs, by workaholic role models, and by a work system that automatically sanctions workaholism.

7. The companies are getting smaller and smaller because of bleak economic conditions and employees fear for their jobs — so they work longer hours.
    由于经济形势黯淡, 公司不断裁员, 雇员担心失去工作, 因此他们工作时间更长。

8. They equate self-worth and success with hard work.

9. They'd rather be at work than elsewhere or doing anything else.

10. They deny the excessive time they're devoting to work, and they rationalize that their schedule is for the family and essential to being promoted.