1. My father's father, Jacob Volk (雅各布·沃尔克), took credit for the wrecking ball. 我的祖父雅各布·沃尔克则拥有发明"球破碎机"的光荣。
2. Mozart's father was a musician employed at a noble's court who was teaching his son to sing and play almost before he could walk. 莫扎特的父亲是个受雇于贵族宫廷的音乐家,他在儿子还不会走路时就教他唱歌、弹奏乐器。
3. My father died two years ago after what turned out to be needless surgery. 我父亲在经历了一场后来证明是毫无必要的手术后于两年前去世。
4. “The idea that the family is a stable and orderly unit in which father serves as economic provider and mother serves as emotional care giver is a myth,” said Judith Bruce, a leading author of the study. 这份研究报告的一位主要撰稿人朱迪斯·布鲁斯说:"认为家庭是个稳定有序的单位、父亲是经济支柱、母亲是情感给予者的观点已经不现实了。
5. “In Africa, an eighteen-year-old woman might need a job because she had a baby before marriage and has only a casual relationship with the father, or she might have a husband who goes on to another marriage and supports the children of that union.” "在非洲,18岁的女子就可能需要一份工作,因为她还未结婚就生了孩子,而她与孩子的父亲只有一种若即若离的关系,或者她的丈夫可能另外结婚,需要负担婚内生的孩子。"
6. Gail's father, David, whom I had not yet met personally, approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude. 盖尔的父亲戴维-我还未见过他的面-以知女莫若父的态度来对付我们的决定。
7. But I lacked for nothing, for he was both father and mother to me. 但我却什么都不缺,他既当父亲又当母亲。
8. Unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way. 虽说很多活动父亲都不能参加,但他还是试着通过某种方式去参与。
9. Reading gives father much pleasure. 阅读给爸爸很多乐趣。
10. Ram's father had supported his wife's career even though he belonged to a generation of Indian men who expected their wives to stay at home. 拉姆的父亲属于期望妻子在家呆着的那代印度人。即使如此,他仍然很支持妻子的职业生涯。