1. Suddenly to find yourself with only your cat to talk to all day alters your sense of reality.

2. She wanted to be there as an anchor for her but at the same time she would give her her freedom to find her own identity.

3. So if your driver insists he/she cannot use a meter, find another taxi.

4. She left her husband and his guest, for the most part, alone together, only to find that Gouvernail hardly noticed her absence.
    她只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着客人, 但发现自己不在场几乎并未引起古韦内尔的注意。

5. Students taking business courses are sometimes a little surprised to find that classes on business ethics have been included in their schedule.

6. Suppose that during a negotiation with some government officials, the Minister of Trade makes it clear to you that if you offer him a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods, and you are also likely to
    假定在一场与政府官员的谈判中,贸易部长向你明确表示如能给他一大笔贿赂,拿到进口许可证就会容易得多,还可能避免他所说的"程序上的延误" 。

7. Parents who wanted to find a spouse for their son or daughter asked a marriage counselor (媒人) to find someone with the right qualities, including age and educational background.

8. Many people find this sort of joke distasteful.

9. Many people find this sort of joke distasteful. The following example of ´sick humour´ will enable you to judge for yourself.

10. Modern readers would find such naive solutions totally unacceptable.