2. In 1864 a treaty — The Convention of Geneva — was signed and the Red Cross came into being. 1864年,一项协议——日内瓦公约得以签署,红十字会诞生了。
3. In peace, too, the Red Cross is quick to send help wherever there is human suffering. 在和平时期,无论哪里的人遭难,红十字会总是及时提供救援。
4. It was respectable to be a doctor, but not a surgeon who split people´s blood. 作一个医生是受人敬重的,但作一个使人流血的外科医生却是另一回事。
5. I remember the bright-red tobacco tin, with a picture of Queen Victoria's partner, Prince Albert, dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane. 我还记得那鲜红的烟丝罐头,上面有一张维多利亚女王的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王身穿黑色燕尾服、手拿一支手杖的图片。
6. I don't think I'm old-fashioned but hearing those tuneless , offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil . 我想我还不至于老得落伍吧,可没完没了地听那毫无韵律、令人讨厌的歌曲实在让我生气。
7. I might have endangered other divers' lives if I had spilled blood in the pool. For what I knew — that few others knew — was that I was HIV-positive. 要是我的血溅到了游泳池里,就会危及其他跳水选手的生命。因为我知道--而其他很少有人知道--我是阳性艾滋病毒携带者。
8. I remember driving one night with my friend in her parents' automobile. We stopped at a red light at Carlton and Tulane where a black man was crossing the street in front of us. 现在我走进了我家附近的一家加油站。一个黑人已经在排队等侯。他突然跳起来并转过身,在看见我以后才放松下来,对我说我吓着他了,因为这一带常出事。
9. Instead, it's important to check levels of a different compound, which indicates the amount of storage of iron in the blood. 其实,有必要检查血液中另一种混合成分的含量,它显示了血液中铁离子的储量。
10. For the sulfas are tiny crystals that do not dissolve in human blood, and might collect in the kidney and interfere with its functioning. 这是因为磺胺药是一些不溶于人类血液的小晶体,可能在肾脏中集结,使肾功能衰减。