1. Why some people remain upbeat in the face of troubles that would sink a less resistant soul.

2. Food-shopping Americans are coming face to face with lasers and computers for the first time.

3. Fusion (核聚变) power will be capable of producing energy without limits while saving natural resources.

4. Face it: Cheaters never succeed — and pay a high price when caught.

5. For a fee of $15.60 per jump, Tokyo Roof rented me a flight suit, special shoes, gloves, earplugs(耳塞), a crash helmet, a face mask, a tooth guard and a safety harness (but no parachute).
    蹦极跳每次收费15.60美元,"东京屋顶" 租给我一套飞行服,特殊的鞋子、手套、耳塞、头盔、面罩、护牙套、还有一套安全装备(但是没有降落伞)。