1. He drank a cup of tea, put on his boots, overcoat and hat and taking his basket went out of the house.

2. He got up and put the coppers to pay for it on the counter.

3. He put a large quantity of vermouth, both sweet and dry, into a pitcher of ice, added a smaller amount of gin, stirred the concoction rapidly, and poured it out.

4. He had to be of very strong constitution, to put up with such exhausting mental labour.

5. Humboldt smiled, took a louse from the mistress´s hair and put that under the instrument.

6. Humboldt, impatient to discover where the electricity had disappeared to, put his hand into the barrel.

7. He put it back into his pack, rose to his feet and continued.

8. He moved behind me, put his gun on my neck and began to search my trousers' pockets.

9. He recognized that the orchestral opening to the "Rhinegold", which he must have carried about within him yet had never been able to put it into form, had at last taken its shape within him.

10. He put the combined cell — then a newly growing embryo — into a grown female sheep.