1. Time is an important factor to consider in cooking.

2. The coutry was still in feudal society at that time.
    当时, 这个国家还处于封建社会。

3. This is the fourth time you have been late to school.

4. Take your time and don´t gabble!
    说话从容些, 不要快得叫人听不清!

5. The best time to invest is now.

6. They have planned the itinerary for a long time.

7. They both landed on the surface of the moon at the same time.

8. The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time.

9. These men work underground for 6 hours at a time , mining for coal.

10. This may seem a paradoxical claim to make at a time when mankind is so much preoccupied with weapons of destruction.