1. One woman's doctor told her she was not at risk for AIDS because she was married and didn't use drugs. Such misinformation plagues the medical establishment. According to the Centers for Disease Control, women will soon make up 80 percent of those di 一位妇女的医生对她说她不存在染上艾滋病的危险,因为她已经结婚,而且不吸毒。这类错误观念困扰着医疗机构。根据疾病控制中心的预测,女性将占感染艾滋病毒人口的80%。
2. One organization has held dozens of workshops in rural Kenya to help women understand the nation's constitution and the procedures and theory behind a democratic political system. 有个机构已经在肯尼亚农村举办了十几个专题讨论会,目的是帮助妇女理解国家宪法以及民主政治制度所体现的程序及理论。
3. One veteran female political activist said that many women had not been taught the basics of political participation. 一位资深的女政治活动家说,许多妇女连参政的最基本知识都没有。
4. Last June, Kenyan police attempted to break up a women's political meeting northwest of Nairobi, insisting it was illegal and might start a riot. 去年6月,肯尼亚警方企图驱散在内罗毕西北部举行的一次妇女政治集会,坚持说它是非法的,可能引发骚乱。
5. Let's see more mature, wrinkled women in attractive, successful, happy roles and let's see men fighting to be with them. 让我们期待更多成熟的有皱纹的妇女成为有魅力、成功的、幸福的角色,也让我们期待男士们纷纷争先恐后与她们为伍。
6. I think you´re just jealous because I get the women and you don´t. 我想你只是妒忌,因为我得到女人, 而你没有.
7. It´s a moot point whether men or women are better drivers. 男女司机孰优孰劣尚有争论.
8. In this form of marriage, men and women changed partners frequently. 在这种形式的婚姻里,男人和女人频繁地交换他们的伴侣。
9. I didn’t know if the two women wanted to go on talking. 我不知道这两位姑娘是否还想继续和我的谈话。
10. It gets worse. The popularity of tennis shoes has led women's feet literally to get bigger — especially wider — but the sizing of shoes hasn't changed. 情况正变得越来越糟。可网球鞋的普及确实使女人的脚变大了--特别是变得更宽了--但鞋子的尺寸却没有变。