1. It will be a great happiness to her to fulfill her father´s desire.

2. It is incumbent on you to give a father´s advice before your son leaves home.

3. I followed my father to church prayer meetings every morning when I was child.

4. I followed my father to church prayer meetings every morning when I was child.

5. I received a telegram from my father.

6. I was only five when my father had taken me abroad, and that was eighteen years ago.

7. It is being repaired by a friend of my father´s.

8. I realize now that as a child I sat by, through the years, and literally watched my father kill himself:

9. I remembered once, at a family reunion, when my daughter was two, that my father picked her up for a minute -- long enough for me to photograph them -- but the effort was obvious.

10. I realized only later that I didn't know my beloved, your father, very well when we married."
    直到后来我才明白,在我们结婚时,我并不十分理解我所爱的人 -你的爸爸。"