1. It is half past six.

2. I am looking at the half-empty package of Camels tossed carelessly close at hand.

3. In a letter to a friend in 1821, Ludwig van Beethoven wrote about thinking of a beautiful tune while half asleep in a carriage:

4. In fact, more than half of all roses are sold in groups of fewer than a dozen, says the Floral Index, a private firm that researches the flower industry.

5. In the United States, a survey released earlier this month found that nearly half of employed married women contribute half or more of their family’s income.

6. If you must travel to remote areas where taxis are few, or if you plan to make many stops throughout the day, you will probably find it easier and cheaper to hire a taxi for the day or half-day.

7. In the first half, the company earned 75 million francs, mainly from investment income and sale of construction rights on its site.

8. When more than half of marriages end in divorce,

9. For nearly three and a half centuries she lay at the bottom of Stockholm harbour until her discovery in 1956.

10. For what, I sometimes wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did?
    有时我纳闷:自己这样做到底是为了什么? 难道是为了她今后大半辈子有气无力地挣扎着呼吸,然后再像她外公那样自己把自己毒死?