1. The only sound that could be heard was made by water which dripped continuously from the high dome above them.

2. Last fall, the Hyde Foundation opened a magnet program within a public high school in the suburbs of New Haven, Connecticut, over parents' protests.

3. I don´t think so, either, but my resistance to germs is high.
    我也认为不卫生, 但是我对病菌的抵抗力很高.

4. I don´t think so, either, but my resistance to germs is high.
    我也认为不卫生, 但是我对病菌的抵抗力很高.

5. It melted at a very high temperature.

6. In this case, you´d probably construct a portfolio with some shares(but not high risk ones),

7. It is over 8,848 metres high.

8. I found that since there was no other person to work at it but myself, it would have to be ten to twelve years before I could go through with it; for the shore lay high, and at the upper end it must have been twenty feet deep.

9. In the United States, three-quarters of the adults surveyed by the Harris poll and two-thirds of all high-school seniors surveyed by Scholastic magazine say they believe that the United States will be a worse place 10 years from now than it is today.

10. In general, the "21st Century Technology Resources and Commercial Leadership Act", which Sen. John McCain brought to the Senate in late 1999, is designed to keep the U.S. high-tech industry on top by filling the need for skilled technology
    总的说来,参议员约翰·麦凯恩在1999年下半年递交给参议院的"21世纪技术人才资源及商业领导人才法案"是为了填补美国对熟练技术人员的需求, 以保持美国在高科技工业中的领先地位而制订的。