1. I got to my feet, found the keys, entered and called 911. The operator took a description of the robbers and sent a police car. 我站起身来,找到了钥匙,进了屋,然后拨通了911。接线员记下了我对劫匪的描述,然后派了辆警车来。
2. It was 3:50 by the time the police received their first call, from a man who was a neighbor of Miss Parry. 警察第一次接到电话时已是3:50。报警的是个男人,是帕里小姐的一个邻居。
3. It is clear to everyone that the police need more protection against the gun and the knife. 人人都清楚警察需要更多的保护,以防刀枪。
4. I have lost count of the times we have been filming police officers on the street when local residents have come up to us and told us it is the first time in weeks they have seen police in the area. 不知多少次,当我们在街上拍摄警察镜头时,总有当地居民向我们走来告诉我们说这是几周以来他们在此地第一次看到警察。