1. Do me the favor to put on this shirt, and this suit.
    请您赏脸把这件衬衫穿上, 还有这套衣服;

2. Dennis ignored the warning and put his hand into the lion´s cage.

3. Don´t put a quart into a pint pot.

4. Did you put on a snorkel before you dove?

5. And should not be put in drinks unless it is known to be safe.

6. As Walter Sullivan has put it in his excellent book, We Are not Alone.

7. During that time she so gained my aunt´s confidence, that she was put in charge of the domestic staff.

8. Don´t put it there, Sam.

9. At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.

10. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained $ 50 .