1. He later said he imagined the Tramp to be a college-educated gentleman who'd come down in the world.

2. He had helped me lift the veil that grows so quickly over our eyes in this busy world, to see a whole new realm I'd failed to appreciate before.

3. He says it is impossible for any two people to see the world exactly alike.

4. However, it is not only possible to change your world view, he says, it's actually easier than overcoming a drug habit.

5. And when he flirts with fame, he is taking time off from living with himself, from the search for what his world contains at its inmost point.

6. And that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket,

7. Debbie is only eleven years old and she hopes to set up a new world record.

8. And he has already been to nearly every country in the world.

9. And it occurred to me that I could not be the only person in the world for whom they were an item of imagination.

10. And after making sure that we are the right people, the arrivals from the other side of the world, they embrace us;