1. He took them to meet his wife and children.

2. How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well?

3. However, they just don't have as much fun as children in small towns.

4. He also thinks parents are recognizing education is moving on and don't want their children to be held back by out-of-date methods.

5. He thinks future schools will be small groups of children, sharing equipment in their homes.

6. Home schooling could change children's relations with their peers and older people because of long periods spent with their parents.

7. He believes very strongly that children need the experience of school to ensure the quality of being taught the basics and being examined.

8. He thinks children must spend time with peers to learn the rules of work in a democratic(民主的) society and to learn how to deal with relations with more people than just their parents.

9. He is married, has two children and owns a home.

10. He is optimistic that once parents make a commitment to the program, they will be daily role models for their children, unlike parents whose children are in boarding schools.