1. He insisted on the assistant´s counting the money before he left -- 30,000 pennies in all! 他坚持要店员点清那些硬币后他才离去。这些硬币加在一起共有30,000枚!
2. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. 还没等安顿下来就卖掉了房子,离开了这个国家。
3. He ran to the door and there stood the Miller with a lantern in his hand. 他跑去开门,门外是磨坊主,手提提灯站在那里。
4. He signed to us with his hand. 他对我们摆了摆手,好像说:
5. He took off his cap and held out his hand. 他脱下帽子,向母亲伸出手来。
6. Harriman sat at Roosevelt´s right, I at Roosevelt´s left, and Hopkins next to me. 哈里曼坐在罗斯福的右边,我坐在罗斯福的左边,霍普金斯坐在我旁边。
7. Humboldt, impatient to discover where the electricity had disappeared to, put his hand into the barrel. 洪堡因为急于要查明电流的去向,便将手伸进了桶内。
8. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we walked together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attention. 我就觉得很难堪。他腿瘸得十分厉害,个子又矮。我们在一起走路时,他的手搭在我的臂上以保持平衡,人们就会盯着看。对于这种讨厌的注视,我打心眼里感到别扭。
9. He extended his hand. The Marine wrapped his strong fingers around the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement. 他伸出手,那海军陆战队队员立刻有力地抓住了这只无力的手,紧紧握着,传达着爱与鼓励。
10. He opened the bag, full of small pieces of gold. He left half the gold on a rock. 他打开小包,里面全是小金块。他丢了一半在岩石上。