1. Most roommate conflicts spring from such small, irritating differences rather than from grand disputes over abstract philosophical principles.

2. Just think how the past 2,000 years would be different without these "small" big ideas:

3. Children always appreciate small gifts of money.

4. Collecting small items can easily become a mania.

5. But it´s too small for me.

6. Computers will show drivers maps of districts the car is crossing on a small screen in the car.

7. Not to mention the equally numerous small animals like field mice and voles which you do not see,

8. Reb Sussel knew how to butcher meat, so he decided to change his job and opened a small butcher shop.

9. Our own warm atmosphere and the heat generated by the telescope would make it impossible to detect objects as small as planets.

10. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.