1. Please mister, can I have my ball back?
    先生, 请把球还给我行吗?

2. Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!

3. Pushing off the diving board with my legs, I lifted my arms and shoulders back, and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands. I tried to correct myself as I turned, spreading my hands wide apart.

4. Marx wrote back to say that Engels´ praise had greatly encouraged him.
    马克思回信说, 恩格斯的称赞对自己的鼓励很大.

5. Marx wrote back to say that Engels´ praise had greatly encouraged him.
    马克思回信说, 恩格斯的称赞对自己的鼓励很大.

6. So that we look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways.

7. My G-suit, now fully filled with air, compressed my legs to force the blood back into the upper part of my body.

8. “I was tired,” he said without emotion. “I went back to bed.”

9. “Have fun, you guys,” she calls back.

10. “From the first night we lived together again, we felt so comfortable,” says Sarah. “We felt like we were back home.”