1. He may want more for his children," said a lawyer.

2. He says these children have an advantage over their peer group in language ability, intellectual ability, and even social leadership skills.

3. He sees practical applications everywhere for how companies should decide whom to hire, how couples can increase the odds that their marriages will last, how parents should raise their children and how schools should teach them.

4. And I acknowledge that some children are better off without a violent father, a family income wasted on drinking or gambling, or unhappy parents taking out their anger on everyone in the family.

5. And, later on, she was the center of rest in the quarrels that Chaplin sometimes sparked in their own large family of talented children.

6. A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own dicisions.

7. All children can be naughty sometimes.

8. At night, the children always do their homework.

9. After each quarrel the children are soon reconciled.
    每次吵架之后, 孩子们很快就会和好。

10. All my attempts to amuse the children were met with sullen scowls.
    我想尽办法哄这些孩子玩儿, 但是他们总是满脸不高兴.