1. Only a small canal separates Africa from Asia.

2. On his desk were small plates containing the bacteria.

3. On the opposite side of the street was a small cheap restaurant.

4. On the outer edges of the plantation was a small river and when they were out there, it was pointed to her as Kamby-Bolongo, and Kizzy knew that this meant river.

5. On one weird occasion in 1881, the cargo steamer Ellen Austin discovered a small sailing ship, sails waving uselessly in the wind.

6. One beats a small drum, another plays a wooden stringed instrument, and the other three have smaller, violin- like pieces they play with a bow."

7. One researcher is attempting to show this experimentally with a study in which groups of parents are taught how to have beneficial conversations with their small children.

8. I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the

9. In a small village, a woman picking blackberries saw ´a large cat´ only five yards away from her.

10. I have just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country.
    我刚刚退休. 我想在家乡买一幢小房子.